مطلوب وظائف فى برنامج السيداو بمؤسسة المرأة الجديده

نهى عاطف ومبادرة Women Pixels
أبريل 5, 2011
ديمقراطية المحجبات التركية همزة وصل مع العرب
أبريل 6, 2011

باحثة نصف الوقت

الشروط المطلوبه
1. خبرة (لاتقل عن 3 سنوات)بمنظمات المجتمع المدنى، والعمل النضالى التى تقوم به هذه المنظمات
2. مؤهل جامعى يفضل خريجات حقوق وسياسه واقتصاد
3. تجيد اللغه الانجليزية اجاده تامه..
4. الإلمام بالقوانين والمواثيق والاتفاقات الدولية.
5. إجادة العمل على البرامج الأساسية للكمبيوتر والأنترنت.


• جمع المادة الخاصة بكتابة تقارير الظل
• تطوير وتزويد الموقع بمواد مرجعية حول الاتفاقية والبروتوكول الاختيارى
• متابعة كافة الانشطة الدولية ذات الصله وتزويد الموقع والوحده بالمعلومات والتقارير ومواعيد انعقاد اللجان
• المشاركة فى كتابة التقارير
• المشاركة فى اعداد الأوراق الخاصة بالمؤتمرات

سكرتيرة للبرنامج نصف الوقت

الشروط المطلوبه
1. خبرة (لاتقل عن سنه)بمنظمات المجتمع المدنى، والعمل النضالى التى تقوم به هذه المنظمات
2. تجيد اللغه الانجليزية
3. . إجادة العمل على البرامج الأساسية للكمبيوتر والأنترنت.
4. تجيد التفييل والفهرسه
5. مؤهل جامعي


• المشاركة فى الترتيبات اللوجستية للمؤتمرات والندوات
• ترتيب الملفات والأوراق الخاصة بالبرنامج
• التنسيق للاجتماعا ت واللقاءات
• تطوير قاعدة بيانات خاصة بالبرنامج (مراسلات)
• متابعة التوثيق للانشطة
• متابعة المراسلات

قواعد التعيين:
1. العمل بالمؤسسة مرتبط بالمشروعات المنفذة ومدتها.
2. سيتم تعيين المرشحة للوظيفة فترة لا تقل عن ثلاثة شهور تحت الأختبار.
3. الدقة والانضباط والالتزام بقواعد العمل بالمؤسسة.
4. المرتب يحدد بناء على السياسات المالية للمؤسسة.

سيتم تشكيل لجنة من عدد من عضوات المؤسسة، لإجراء مقابلات مع المتقدمات للوظيفة، وسيتم الأختيار وفقاً
لمؤشرات التوافق مع أهداف ورسالة المؤسسة

برجاء ارسال السير الذاتية على
E mail: nwrc@nwrcegypt.org
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  1. يقول Hala Mohamed Essam El Din:


    Personal Data

    Name : Hala Mohamed Essam El Din Abdelmottaleb
    Mobile: 0101141221
    Home : 011 202 22684170


    – Nationality : Egyptian
    – Current Location : Cairo /Egypt
    – E-Mail : robinjul@hotmail.com
    – Address : 1 # Saieed Al Halwany. Al Ourouba Rd.
    Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt


    Sep 1976 – Jun 198l Bachelor Degree in Mass Communication, major in Broad Casting(Radio& TV ) Faculty of Mass Communication at Cairo University

    Sep 2004 – Jun 2005 Special Diploma in the African
    Studies, Politics and Economics Section,
    Of June 2005, with grade (Good), from
    The African Studies and Researches
    Institute, Cairo University
    Nov 2006 – Jun 2008
    Master Degree in the African Studies, Politics and Economics Section
    Of June 2008, with grade(very Good)
    From The African Studies and Researches Institute, Cairo University, The Research was under the Title of:” The Nile Basin Initiative and its Role in Activating International Relations among Basin States”.

    Sep2008 – Jun 2009 successfully passed in May 2009, the
    Qualifying courses for the PhD degree
    In, Political Science from the faculty of
    Economics & Political Science, Cairo University with grade(Very Good).

    -I have registered my PhD research under the Title of: “Water Resources Disputes in the Transboundary Rivers and the approach for Peaceful Settlements Instruments to resolve them”.

    – I have also participated in The International
    for cooperation and Conference for “Prospects
    Integration among the Nile Basin opportunities and challenges”, 25-26 May 2010, at The Institute of African Research and Studies, Cairo University with a research
    Under title of: Israeli role in obstructing the legal framework for the Nile Basin Initiative

    Other Certificates

    – Presenting and Editing TV News Segments Cairo University 2005.

    – TOEFL.ITP AMIDEAST( Score 517) 22nd,October 2008.

    – Searching the Net Training Cairo University 2009

    Languages Skills and Computers

    – Experience in the use of the programs word, and the Internet.
    – Fluency in English speaking, understanding and writing.

    Unpublished Researches

    I have participated a group of researches prepared during The Course of studying the Diploma and Master Degree at The African Institute for Researches and Studies –Cairo in the period from 2004 to 2008as well as a number of Researches for doctorate in The Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences – Cairo University in the period of 2009, you shall find hereby a number of researches were done under the supervision of political sciences professors and can be reviewed as follows:-
    A-Master Researches :-

    1- Research under the title of “South Africa Foreign Affairs in Africa”, supervision of Dr.Abou El Enin in 2004.

    2-Research under the title of ” The image of The National Congress in South Africa”, supervision of Dr. Ibrahim Nasr El Din in 2004.

    3- Research under the title of “Egypt Southern Borders -Halaieb and shalatyein problem”, supervision of Dr.Ibrahim Nasr El Din in 2004.

    4- Research under the title of “The Community of Sahel-Saharan States (CEN-SAD)”, supervision of Dr.Abou El Enin in 2004

    5- Translation: “Issues and Dilemmas of Multi Party Democracy in Africa”, supervision of Dr.Ibrahim Nasr El Din in 2004.

    6 – Translation:” Discourses of Global Politics A Critical
    Re-introduction to International Relations”, supervision of Dr.Abou El Enin in 2004
    B-PhD Researches studies :-

    1- Research under the title of “The Somalia – Ethiopian International Relations a Case Study: the Management of Islamic Courts in Somalia”, supervision of Dr Mostafa Elwi 2009.

    2-Work Paper under the title of “The religion Role in The International Relations”, supervision of Dr Mostafa Elwi 2009.

    3- Research under the title of ” China’s foreign Policy to The Cooperation Council for The Arab States of The Gulf ( CCASG)”, supervision of Dr. Soaad Mahmoud 2009.

    4- Work Paper under the title of” The Chinese Culture of Confucianism and Its Impact on The China Foreign Policy”, supervision of Dr. Soaad Mahmoud2009.

    5- Research under the title of” The American Invasion on Iraq (The Exclusive War 2003)”, supervision of Dr.Ahmad Abdel Wanees 2009.

    6- Research under the title of” The River’s International Law between Modified and Acting”, Supervision of Dr. Ahmed Al Rashidy 2009

    7- Work Paper under the title of “Egypt and the Regional Communities in Africa (The Community Of Sahel – Saharan States – NEPAD Community)”, supervision of Dr. of Dr.Ahmad Abdel Wanees 2009.

    8- Research under the title of “The International and Human Rights Watch Activities in Investigating the Interdiction of Cluster Bombs”, Supervision of Dr. Ahmed Al Rashidy 2009

    9-Work Paper under the title of” The Warrant Arrest for the Sudanese President Al- Bashire between Acceptance and Refusal “, Supervision of Dr. Ahmed Al Rashidy 2009

    10- Research under the title of” China Foreign Policy towards the Southern Eastern Asian States”, Supervision of Dr.Mohamed Kamal Shohda 2009.

    11- Research under the title of” The women Movements and Their Equality Requirements In The western and Eastern World”, Supervision of Dr. Saied Ghanem 2009.

    12-Translation:”Women Equality and Fortune A feminist Critique of Ronald Dworkins” Supervision of Dr. Saied Ghanem 2009 .

    Published Studies

    I also have practiced some published studies as follows:-

    1- Hala Mohamed Essam Eldin:” International Stakeholders Support for Nile Basin Initiative”, (editor) Abou El Enin in The African strategic Report 2006-2007, Cairo University, African Institute for Studies and Researches.
    2-______________________ :” Inter State Relations and the Fait of The Nile Basin Initiative”, (editor) Abou El Enin in The African strategic Report 2008, Cairo University, African Institute for Studies and Researches.

    3- Translation of an article under the title of:
    Larry Diamond: “The Resurgence of the Predatory State “, in Foreign Affairs,(vol.87,No.2,March/April2008)

    Work Experience

    I have been working for almost 20 years with different Air lines starting from 1980 till 2000.

    Jan 1995 – Mar 2000 I have joined Quick Cargo (Air Freight) as
    Sales Manager Team to fulfill sales targets among airlines at Cairo International Airport.
    Create and evaluate sales forecast for the company on annual basis.

    Sep 1988 – Jul 1990 Egypt Air
    Flight Attendant
    Maintain safety, security, and provide services to passengers on board.
    Received full training on Airbus 300- 600 and Boeing 747

    Mar 1985 – Apr 1988 Eagle Air Iceland , Jeddah , Saudi Arabia

    Flight Attendant
    Maintain safety, security, and provide services to passengers onboard. Received full training on DC-8 50/60

    Nov 1980 – Feb 1983 United Air Carriers, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
    Flight Attendant
    Maintain safety, security, and provide service to passengers on board. Received training for passenger air safety on DC-8 50/60 and Boeing 747.

  2. يقول Dalia Ragaa Mohamed Saleh:

    Dear All,

    I am enclosing my Curriculum vitae. I am applying for working in your respect organization.

    I Participated in Gender and Reproductive Health Meetings. And Contributed in introducing the concept of Gender & Reproductive Health, through training NGO’s and Ministerial Personals.

    Contributed in conferences of Human Rights Studies.

    I look forward to hearing from you. Needless to say, I will be glad to furnish you with any further information you may need, including references from my previous employers.

    Yours faithfully,

    Dalia Ragaa


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هذا الموقع يستخدم خدمة أكيسميت للتقليل من البريد المزعجة. اعرف المزيد عن كيفية التعامل مع بيانات التعليقات الخاصة بك processed.