the Coalition of Women’s NGOs in Egypt: the National Council of Women dose not represent the Egyptian women .. and we call for its dissolution

ائتلاف المنظمات النسوية: القومي للمرأة لا يمثل المصريات .. و نطالب بإسقاطه
فبراير 21, 2011
The Egyptian government must positively respond to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights request for a facts finding mission
فبراير 22, 2011

Despite the fall of some of the pillars of the Egyptian regime and the stepping down of the former president of the Republic, the National Council of Women – established and presided by the wife of the ex-president – that never adopted any stand denouncing or condemning the violations perpetrated against the Egyptian people since the beginning of January 25th revolution intends to continue representing Egyptian women abroad in international conferences and meetings, specifically in the conference organized by the UN Committee on Women’s Status that will take place in New York by the beginning of next week. This will occur while some members of NCW are accused of corruption and will be presented to the General Prosecutor for investigation.
The Coalition of Women’s NGOs in Egypt which endorses and supports all the demands of the 25th of January revolution and hereby ensures the full participation of women in all efforts related to getting rid of the previous regime, including all its institutions and symbols. Therefore, the Coalition of Women’s NGOs declares the following:
Firstly: We refuse the illegitimate National Council of Women or its representation of Egyptian women and the feminist efforts in Egypt and confirm the illegitimacy of its representation in international events.
Secondly: We call for the rapid dissolution of the National Council of Women and the prevention of its leaders of benefitting from any authorities in representing Egyptian women internally or internationally.
Thirdly: We reconfirm the demand included in our first statement about the urgent need to establish through consensus among the national forces a temporary civil presidential council that will be responsible of establishing a temporary committee composed of women’s figures well known for their independence, integrity and efficiency, formed by consensus among women organizations and the Civil Society in order to represent Egyptian women at the local, Arab and international levels and ensure women’s participation in shaping the political life during the current period.

New Woman Foundation
Women and Memory Forum
Center of Egyptian Women Legal Aid
El Nadeem Center for the Rehabilitation of the Victims of Violence
Appropriate Communication Techniques for Development (ACT)
Women’s Forum for Development
Alliance of Arab Women
Egyptian Association for Family Development
“Nazra” Association for Feminist Studies
“Ommi” Association for Rights and Development
“Heya” Foundation

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