NWF organized a group discussion on May 22 2016 about the labor draft law proposed by the government. The meeting was attended by representatives of diverse […]
The signatories of the statement strongly condemned the vexations and violations practiced against “Nazra” for Feminist Studies culminating with the convocation of its founder and director, […]
The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region has experienced major improvements in health over the past few decades. Today, on average, a girl born in Egypt […]
The Arab world needs more female leaders in the media to change cultural attitudes, says an activist. Soap operas in particular have the power to address […]
Saudi Arabia’s consultative assembly has passed a law requiring female television to wear “modest dress”, according to local media reports. Arab News, which is part of […]
Every morning Mira wakes up, changes her son’s diaper, prepares her daughter for school and makes coffee for her husband. It seems like the typical Lebanese […]
Algeria’s parliament passed a law Thursday 5th March criminalising domestic violence against women in a vote harshly criticised by conservatives as intruding on the intimacy of […]