May 24, 2016

Group discussion held at NWF headquarters

NWF organized a group discussion on May 22 2016 about the labor draft law proposed by the government.  The meeting was attended by representatives of diverse […]
May 21, 2016

Group discussion held at NWF headquarters about the draft law regulating the profession of nursing

On May 19 20 16, NWF organized a group discussion with several women and men members in the trade unions of nursing.  The purpose of the […]
April 15, 2016

Unpaid Women’s Labor: Working for the Family in the Egyptian Informal Sector

NWF held a roundtable on April 13 2016 to present the findings of the first research of its kind titled “Unpaid Women’s Labor: Working for the […]
April 10, 2016

Statement issued by the Coalition of Egyptian Feminist Organizations in solidarity with “Nazra” for Feminist Studies

The signatories of the statement strongly condemned the vexations and violations practiced against “Nazra” for Feminist Studies culminating with the convocation of its founder and director,  […]
March 29, 2016

“New Woman foundation” celebrates Egyptian Women’s Day

Translated by: Doaa Shahin Under the slogan ” she has the right to work .. and she can”, New Woman Foundation celebrated Egyptian Woman’s Day  on […]
July 29, 2015

Gender and Equity in Access to Health Care Services in the Middle East and North Africa

The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region has experienced major improvements in health over the past few decades. Today, on average, a girl born in Egypt […]
July 26, 2015

More women leaders in media needed to change attitudes in Middle East, activist says

The Arab world needs more female leaders in the media to change cultural attitudes, says an activist. Soap operas in particular have the power to address […]
July 26, 2015

Saudi Arabia to Bar Women from ‘Showing Off their Beauty’ on Television

Saudi Arabia’s consultative assembly has passed a law requiring female television to wear “modest dress”, according to local media reports. Arab News, which is part of […]
July 26, 2015

Lebenese Women Enter the Business World from Home

Every morning Mira wakes up, changes her son’s diaper, prepares her daughter for school and makes coffee for her husband. It seems like the typical Lebanese […]
July 26, 2015

Women in the Workforce in the Arab World

A great debate has been raging over whether the so-called Arab Spring has been good or bad for the women of the region. Some argue that […]
July 15, 2015

The Diverse Roles and Aspirations of Middle Eastern Women

It is a common assumption in the U.S. that Muslim women are oppressed, and that their religion forces them to cover their bodies and even their […]
July 15, 2015

Algeria Bans Domestic Abuse

Algeria’s parliament passed a law Thursday 5th March criminalising domestic violence against women in a vote harshly criticised by conservatives as intruding on the intimacy of […]